How do CTR / VIEW / CLICK measure the effectiveness of our ads?

Click Through Rate or CTR is a measure that will tell you. How interesting is your announcement?

This is the rate of clicks (CLICK) per number of views (VIEW), which is a metric used for viewing. The higher the click-to-views ratio  (CTR), the higher the advertisement's interest. When seen, users feel the urge to click to view details . The value (CTR) will be calculated using the formula below.


Why is value (CTR) important?

We all have to pay for advertising as a cost, whether in terms of money or time. Many of you may want to know if what you're doing is worth it or not?  


Therefore, the value (CTR) will help us know that our advertisement or announcement Is it interesting? How many people click?


So that we can improve or develop it to be more efficient. Of course, it will increase the number of views in our system if You can do it easily by pushing the announcement. But what if your announcement isn't particularly interesting or doesn't have attractive pictures? That vision would be useless. Because I just saw it through my eyes. It doesn't make people interested in clicking to see. This will cause the (CTR) value to be low.


Therefore, if you want to increase the value (CTR) besides Push announcements often Then the most important thing is The photos must be beautiful.  Because it will help people who see your announcement and want to click to see the content of your announcement. 




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Click Through Rate or CTR is a measure that will tell you. How interesting is your announcement? This is the rate of clicks (CLICK) per number of views (VIEW), which is a

Click Through Rate or CTR is a measure that will tell you. How interesting is your announcement? This is the rate of clicks (CLICK) per number of views (VIEW), which is a
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