🚀 Why do you have to push the announcement? Push the announcement, how can it help?

If you're too lazy to read Watch the video now.


We already know that...most people search for information.


They tend to only look at the first page of that website first  , so pushing the announcement is very important because it will bring our advertisement to the first page.



Each day, new announcements are created from other people onto our website. may make your announcement Falling from the first position go to the back page It reduces the chance that people will see your announcement.


We therefore recommend that you use the "Push Announcement" or "BOOST" system to push your announcement back to be displayed on the first page like this. 

If interested in buying, press the announcement, click →  See more


Push to announce only 10 credits, get 2
► Extend the notice back to 30 days.
► Announcements appear on the first page of every category.


Push the announcement and does it really help?

 Let's read the Insight Stat values ​​first.

Insight stat is  the statistics of the number of people who saw and clicked to view your announcement here. in the announcement you created You can view statistics on how many people have seen and clicked on your ad over time. will help you see The relationship between your budget and your spending


- insight stat ► flag icon,  overview of all our statistics about that announcement 
- View ► Eye icon  means seeing your announcement on our web page. It's caused by pushing the announcement to show on the first page. The more often you push, the more you see it.
- Click ► arrow icon  is after seeing He became interested and clicked to view the announcement. The part that makes customers choose and decide to click to see. It comes from interesting images and interesting text that you create. 


We found that customer searches are different. Some people search by location, search by project name. Search by electric train , etc. Therefore, our announcements will be displayed according to various related categories. It will be seen by searchers in every category.


Question: How do you know? Is our announcement still on the front page? Which category is it in? How many viewers does each category have? 
Answer: You can look at the insight stat of your announcement. The % number will tell you what proportion of you are on the first page. From all categories of announcements that you are related to, for example, as shown in the picture below, it will be on the first page 100%, meaning that it is now on the first page of every category from pushing announcements. 


- Calculation of % of first page placements It will tell you what proportion of people are on the first page by calculating from

(Number of categories on the first page per total number of categories with related announcements  ) 


The categories of announcements are determined when you create the announcement and are determined by our website's automated system. 


Additionally, in Insight stats,  you can view statistics for each of your announcements in more detail and clarity, along with infographics that will help you see. The relationship between your budget and the number of visitors to your ad







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If you're too lazy to read Watch the video now.   We already know that...most people search for information.   They tend to only look at the first page of that website first &n

If you're too lazy to read Watch the video now.   We already know that...most people search for information.   They tend to only look at the first page of that website first &n
livinginsider livinginsider