Dormitory sale, rent, long lease in "Ratchadapisek, Huaikwang, Suttisan"

Ratchadaphisek Huai Khwang is another business location that is growing continuously. It is a place where many Chinese and Korean tourists live. Since the Korean Embassy is located on Meng Chai Cultural Center Road, the Chinese Embassy is on Ratchada Road. There are facilities all around. There is a subway that cuts through the entire route. There are several shortcuts connected to the main road. There are many shopping and eating places, such as Huai Khwang Market with many dining options. The market next to Muang Thai Life Assurance Building, Sutthisan Road is another place with a wide variety of food and appliances. Because in this area there are office buildings scattered everywhere. And most importantly, this location has a variety of accommodation options to choose from.

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