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Urgent sale, end townhouse, size 25 sq m., 4 floors, Lasalle 24, parking for 1 car Additional details 📣 Size 25 sq m., 3.5 floors 📣 There are 2 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms 📣 Mezzanine for living 📣 End townhouse with space on the side 📣 Parking in front of the house for 1 car Convenient transportation Near BTS Lasalle-Bearing At the entrance to the international school Selling price: 5.19 million baht ⭐ Make an appointment to view / inquire, please contact ⭐ Line @: @775kzxnk 🟢 Ms. Kaew Nisakorn ☎️: Contact number 🛜 Line@: https://lin.ee/WJ4UNJH 🛜 Page http://m.me/ Contact number 🛜 Youtube https://youtu.be/aEyimzqf__Q 🛜 Tiktok https://www.tiktok.com/@kaew_mejai_estate #Townhome Sukhumvit 105 #Townhome house #Townhome Lasalle24 #Sukhumvit Townhome #Lasalle Townhome #Bearing 13 Townhome #Lasalle 24 #Lasalle 71 House for Sale
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