For sale/rent, room on the 15th floor, Building B, Supalai Veranda Condo, Phasi Charoen **Special: balcony has sliding window, thick foam UV sunshade, sunshade, dustproof

plus Created 2022-05-15 08:42
Boosted 2025-02-07 15:13
plus Create 2022-05-15 08:42
Boosted 2025-02-07 15:13


For sale 3,200,000.- Seller pays transfer fee Rental price 13,000.-/month With furniture and electrical appliances TV Refrigerator Microwave Electric pot Wardrobe + clothes rack in the room Clothes drying rack on the balcony Bed + 6-foot mattress Large washing machine For sale 3,200,000.- **Special balcony has a thick UV foam sliding window to block the sun and dust Supalai Veranda Phasi Charoen Condo, 15th floor, 29 sq m., not hot or rainy, balcony has curtains to block the sun and rain, and the 7th floor is the only common area **Good feng shui, good location, good environment, convenient, people live well, happy with life, spend a lot, ready to move in, convenient, easy to walk, near the elevator, private, plenty of parking, open, convenient Interested, call Contact number

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For sale 3,200,000.- Seller pays transfer fee Rental price 13,000.-/month With furniture and electrical appliances TV Refrigerator Microwave Electric pot Wardrobe + clothes rack in the room Clothes dr

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