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** For sale, luxury condo in the heart of Siam, Klass Siam project (44.10 sq.m./5th floor) @BTS National Stadium 100 m., 1Bed Nice View.

plus Created 2022-05-19 11:50
Boosted 2025-02-08 20:48
plus Create 2022-05-19 11:50
Boosted 2025-02-08 20:48


Next to BTS National Stadium 100 m. 1 bedroom, beautiful view **Owner is selling ** Project name: Klass Siam (Class Siam) Project location: Soi Kasem San 2, Rama 1 Road, Wang Mai Subdistrict, Pathum Wan District (100 m. Next to BTS National Stadium) Convenient transportation, a few meters from the National Stadium BTS station and shopping malls MBK, Siam Square, Siam Discovery, Siam Paragon Room location: 5th floor, good position, north, facing Jim Thompson Museum (beautiful view, unblocked view, balcony with wind all year round) Room size: 44.10 square meters, 1 bedroom / 1 bathroom / 1 living room / 1 kitchen The owner is selling it himself. Welcome agents - Selling price 6.99 million baht, ready to move in Location - BTS National Stadium Station 100 meter. Very close to National Stadium BTS station, MBK center, Siam Square, Siam Discovery, Siam Paragon, Chulalongkorn University. - Easily accessible from Rama I Rd. - Soi Kasem San 2, Rama I Rd., Wang Mai, Pathum Wan, Bangkok. Room Detail - Excellent Condition Room, size 44.10 sq.m., 5th floor, Nice View. -Facing North on the direction to Jim Thompson museum, quiet side. - 1 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom, 1 living room, 1 Balcony, New Room. - Offer privacy ; only a few rooms in this zone. Sell by the owner, Agent welcome Selling price: 6.99 million Bt READY TO MOVE IN!! Call : 086-516- 55 16 Line : pinnu

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Next to BTS National Stadium 100 m. 1 bedroom, beautiful view **Owner is selling ** Project name: Klass Siam (Class Siam) Project location: Soi Kasem San 2, Rama 1 Road, Wang Mai Subdistrict, Pathum W

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