Townhouse 8 rooms with vacant land 189 square meters, next to the beach, Puktien Villa beach, near Cha-am, 300 meters from the beach

plus Created 2022-07-25 15:42
Boosted 2025-02-17 09:59
plus Create 2022-07-25 15:42
Boosted 2025-02-17 09:59
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vacation home townhouse With vacant land, only 300 meters from the beach, Puktien Villa beach, near Cha-Am, with 8 units of land, 2-step house, 14 square meters per room, 2 bathrooms, with empty space at the back, 8-10 square meters per unit, total area 22-26 square wa per unit, sold as separate plots or sold separately Divided by room as follows The house and the land next to the beach, 14 square meters, sell for 1,000,000 baht, empty land in the back, 30,000 baht per square wa Room number 280/10, area 14 square wa + land 8 square wa, sale 1000000+(8*30,000) = 1.24 million Room number 280/11, area 14 square wa + land 8 square wa Selling 1.24 million baht Room No. 280/12, area 14 square wa + land 9 square wa, selling 1.27 million bahtRoom No. 280/13, area 14 square wa + land 9 square wa, selling 1.27 million baht Room No. 280/14, area 14 square wa + land 10 square wa, selling 1.3 million bahtRoom No. 280/15, area 14 square wa + land 10 square wa, selling 1.3 million baht Room No. 280/16, area 14 square wa + land 11 square wa, selling 1.33 million bahtRoom No. 280/17, area 14 square wa + land 12 square wa, selling 1.36 million baht ** Buy a house per house with land behind it only. not sold separately *** Or buy a whole plot, total area 189 square meters, total selling price 9.9 million baht **Transfer fee is half** The land is next to the road, 6 meters wide, next to the beach for only 200 meters, running straight up to the sea. Corresponding to Krua Loma restaurant, right on the beach Interested contact Paphon Contact number Line id: starcom1

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vacation home townhouse With vacant land, only 300 meters from the beach, Puktien Villa beach, near Cha-Am, with 8 units of land, 2-step house, 14 square meters per room, 2 bathrooms, with empty space

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