For sale by owner, Aspire Sukhumvit, Rama 4, new condo, near BTS Phra Khanong 700 meters, very cheap price. The starting price of the project is 2.19, but we only sell 1.9x .

plus Created 2022-08-02 16:35
Boosted 3 hours
plus Create 2022-08-02 16:35
Boosted 3 hours


The owner is selling it himself. Aspire Sukhumvit Rama 4 New condo near BTS Phra Khanong, 700 meters, very cheap price. The project starting price is 2.19 but we sell for only 1.9x. This is almost the last new condo project at the end of Mid Sukhumvit (Phra Khanong), close to BTS, walking distance not more than 10 minutes, that will make the price less than 2 million. Right now, the On Nut location is 1 kilometer away from BTS++. If the condo is new, it's almost all over 2.5 million. Very cheap installments, 1700-2000 baht per month, balloon 15,000 baht 2 times a year. The owner is selling it himself. If interested, inquire. Contact number Line id 145132

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The owner is selling it himself. Aspire Sukhumvit Rama 4 New condo near BTS Phra Khanong, 700 meters, very cheap price. The project starting price is 2.19 but we sell for only 1.9x. This is almost the

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