Modern Town home for sale, 3 floors, ready to move in, PRIVET FIDELIO village, Ratchada-Ramintra.

plus Created 2022-09-11 15:59
Boosted 5 hours
plus Create 2022-09-11 15:59
Boosted 5 hours
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Modern Town home for sale, 3 floors, ready to live village. PRIVET FIDELIO Ratchada-Ramintra **Can be used as a home office for business Or is it a residential house *, the price is only 3,690,000 baht Details: - New Ratchada-Ramintra Road, Khan Na Yao District, Ram Inthra Sub-District, Bangkok – 18.8 sq m- usable area 166 sq. m. -3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms - The walls of the house are high. wide area - Parking for 2 cars + 1 more car park in front of the house near the department store The Junction Chocolate Ville Max Value The Promanade Fashion Island Big C market Nawamin Tesco Lotus Nawamin Corner Market The Walk Ease Park The Crystal Interested in making an appointment to see the house Mam / Contact number Line ID Contact number Winner Estate Co.,LTD Consignment services for sale/rent all kinds of real estate. by a professional team Price analysis to generate sales Direct Marketing Free at all marketing costs until the customer can find it

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Modern Town home for sale, 3 floors, ready to live village. PRIVET FIDELIO Ratchada-Ramintra **Can be used as a home office for business Or is it a residential house *, the price is only 3,690,000 bah

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