New reno house for rent, 3 floors, ready to live, 330 sq m, 40 sq m. Big house, near the main road, from the mouth of Soi On Nut 12, only 500 m.

Available for rent on 21 Nov 2022
plus Created 2022-11-21 14:08
renew date Renew 2024-12-16 13:04
plus Create 2022-11-21 14:08
renew date Renew 2024-12-16 13:04


New reno house for rent, 3 floors, ready to live, 330 sq m, 40 sq m. Big house, near the main road, from the mouth of Soi On Nut 12, only 500 m.

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New reno house for rent, 3 floors, ready to live, 330 sq m, 40 sq m. Big house, near the main road, from the mouth of Soi On Nut 12, only 500 m.

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