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The apartment is only 1 km away from King Kaew Road, price 16 million, income 9 ten thousand baht per month.

plus Created 2023-01-08 19:51
Boosted 2024-12-04 09:43
plus Create 2023-01-08 19:51
Boosted 2024-12-04 09:43


The apartment is only 1 km away from King Kaew Road, price 16 million, income 9 ten thousand baht per month. Apartment 36 rooms, 5 floors, 9 rooms per floor, area 60 sq m., area 750 sq m. Price 16,000,000 baht In the economic zone, Bang Phli Niwet Village The coordinates are opposite the Thai-Chinese International School. new apartment condition have regular income Full room on every floor There are fan rooms, there are 3 levels of price. The 1st floor is an office, 2 booths, the floor fee is 8,000 per room, there are 2 rooms. 2nd floor = 2,600 baht per room/9 air-conditioned room = 21,600 baht Floor 3 = 2,000 baht per room/9 = 19,000 baht Floor 4 = 1,900 baht per room/9 = 17,100 baht Floor 5 = 1,700 baht per room/9 = 13,600 baht Only the monthly rental rate of the room = 84,700 baht *Excluding the cost of water, electricity, internet and coin-operated washing machines and water dispensers. Only rental room yield 6.4% Want to sell urgently 16,000,000 baht buy ready to manage Interested please contact Chutikarn Tel: Contact number ID Line Contact number Please see more details at the fan page. thank you

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The apartment is only 1 km away from King Kaew Road, price 16 million, income 9 ten thousand baht per month. Apartment 36 rooms, 5 floors, 9 rooms per floor, area 60 sq m., area 750 sq m. Price 16,000

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