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Panya Village Pattanakarn
Panya Village Pattanakarn 30: 151sqwah 34,000,000 transfer fee and stamp duty 50/50 -Big road -Middle of the Village short walk to Clubhouse -No house at the back, good for privacy and ventilation, air flow through front and back. -Front entrance facing South -Perfect rectangular shape -20 width x 30 depth meters. -Spend Less than 50 million to get a brandnew gorgeous house in Panya Village !!! -Perfect for both live in or investment 👍🏻 Call/Line: Am Contact number https://line.me/ti/p/_MXfrDHcUp Whatsapp/Wechat: Contact number #panyavillagepattanakarn #panyavillagepattanakarnforsell #village panya development #Sell Panya Phatthanakan Village #Selling a single detached house in Phatthanakan #Sell a single house in the village #singlehouseforsell #singlehouseforsellpattanakarn #propertytown
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