
Condo for SALE *** Whizdom Connect, 20+ floors, High Rise condo, near BTS Punnawithi, convenient transportation @6.71 MB

plus Created 2023-02-26 17:03
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plus Create 2023-02-26 17:03
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Condo for SALE *** Whizdom Connect, 20+ floors, High Rise condo, near BTS Punnawithi, convenient transportation @6.71 MB - High Rise Condo 41 floors - The project has a walkway from the condo through the sky walk to BTS Punnawithi, only 370 meters. - Relax with large green areas both inside and outside the project. - Designed with an emphasis on privacy space to match the useful space. Fulfill all the needs of life Nearby landmarks : - Singapore International School - Seacon Square - Paradise Park - Lotus On Nut Location : Punnawithi Sell Price : 6,710,000 Baht Near BTS : Punnawithi Unit Size: 38.27 sq.m. 1 bedroom(s) / 1 bathroom(s) Ref No. : C Contact number "Contact us." Call : Contact number LINE@ : @theestate , http://line.me/ti/p/~@theestate Website : http://www.theestate-thailand.com E-Mail : Contact email The Estate Thailand, a subsidiary of MQDC, operates a business of buying, selling, renting quality condominiums in the Prime Zone area, along with consulting for accurate decision making. worth the investment

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Condo for SALE *** Whizdom Connect, 20+ floors, High Rise condo, near BTS Punnawithi, convenient transportation @6.71 MB - High Rise Condo 41 floors - The project has a walkway from the condo through

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