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Land for sale near Fashion Island, only 1.3 km. 755 sq m, Ramintra area, km. 9, Bangkok.

plus Created 2023-04-04 23:34
Boosted 2025-02-18 13:44
plus Create 2023-04-04 23:34
Boosted 2025-02-18 13:44


Property location - Land coordinates https://www.google.com/maps?q=13.83856108,100.67364035 - Ramintra Road area, km. 9 - The land position is 1.3 kilometers from Fashion Island - in front of the plot of land next to the service road outside of Kanchanaphisek Road - The land is located at the mouth of Soi Kanchanaphisek 11 on the side of the plot of land. On the road Soi Kanchanapisek 11 - The land is located next to the entrance of The Plant Village, Ramintra - Ring Road 2 - Location of the land away from Panya Road Indra 800 meters Property details 1. This plot of land has an area of ​​1 rai 3 ngan 55 square wah 2. The land area is 755 square wah. 3. Selling price 117,880 baht per square wah 4. Total selling price 89,000,000 baht 5. Front of land Next to the service road outside of Kanchanaphisek Road, has a size of 4 lanes The width of the road 16.50 meters 6. The width of the footpath in front of the plot of land 2.50 meters 7. The width of the land next to the road 40 meters, depth 79 meters 8. The location of the land is located on the orange city plan Yor 6-69. FAR ( Floor Area Ratio )= 4.5 10. OSR ( Open Space Ratio ) = 6.5 Highlights of property 1. plot of land Rectangular , beautiful 2. The land is located on the orange city plan Yor 6-6, which can build 8-9 storey buildings according to the Act building control 3. The road in front of the plot of land is 16.5 meters wide when combined with the width of the footpath in front of the plot 2.5 meters of land equals 19 meters, resulting in the distance that the building must recede from the edge in front of the plot of land The shortening distance is only 3 meters, so the building There will be an internal usable area to the full potential of the overall proportion of the existing land area If building a condo Condominium for sale will have a lot of square meters of space for sale with full efficiency as it should will be able to do fully 4. This plot of land is facing the road on 2 sides, the front is on the road Size 4 lanes, road width 16.50 meters, the side of the alley, size 2 lanes, width 5.70 meters, which will make the management area or arrange a vale-out Building plans can be varied and easier if Build a condo building When someone comes in contact with the person in the building, they can still park the car at the side alley next to the condo as well 5. The location of the land is located in the center of transportation near the landing point of Kanchanaphisek Ring Road Which can walk to Srinakarin, Phatthanakan, On Nut Bangna or to the north, Sai Mai, Lam Luk Ka, Rangsit - Nakhon Nayok, Ayutthaya 6. near the Pink Line electric train line Station in front of the mall Fashion Island, Ramittra Road, only 1.3 kilometers * land coordinates https://www.google.com/maps?q=13.83856108,100.67364035 Offering price ( 89,000,000 baht ) * Expenses on the day of ownership transfer At the office Land, buyer, seller pay half interested, ask for more information Mr. San: Contact number line id : ohwealth -------------------------------------------- Khun Por: Contact number line id: Ziazdee for sale of all types of real estate Free, no upfront costs

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Property location - Land coordinates https://www.google.com/maps?q=13.83856108,100.67364035 - Ramintra Road area, km. 9 - The land position is 1.3 kilometers from Fashion Island - in front of the plot

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