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House for rent, Perfect Place Village, Soi Sai Ma, Bang Rak Noi 16, Rattanathibet Road, Nontabutari about 1.5 kilometers from Bang Rak Noi MRT Station or only 6 minutes Land area of 120 sqwah, 3 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, 2 living rooms, 1 dining area, 1 kitchen, 1 Maid//'s room, 1 storage under the stairs, 4 car parking spaces inside the house and 2 more cars in front of the house. the house is already Luxuriously decorated, comfortable Clubhouse, 24-hour security 1 month advance rental, 3 months deposit Near Central Wastegate and Central Rattanathibet ………………………………………………………………….. contact: Mr.Korn @Mouproperty Mobile number: Contact number Line ID: mouproperty E-mail: Contact email Mouproperty Cover all aspect of real estate #houseforentthailand #houseforrentcheapprice #perfectplacerattanathibet #boutiquehouseforren #housenonthaburiforrent #forrenthouse #rattanathibethouseforrent #centralwestgate #renthousenearcentralwestgate #perfectplacerattanthibet #perfectplacerattanthibetforrent #rentperfectplacerattanthibet
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