Is it really worth paying installments more than renting? You have to try it and see for yourself. Plum Condo Ladprao 101

plus Created 2023-06-08 19:04
Extended 2025-02-05 19:21
plus Create 2023-06-08 19:04
Extended 2025-02-05 19:21


How many years have you rented the room? Have you ever counted the rent? How many baht have you paid in total? Tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or hundreds of thousands And if we could get those rents back into our pockets again, how good would it be? So has it actually been done or not Listen to this: Change the rent. Come as an installment payment. Come own it. Pay rent for yourself The steps are simple. You just need to be a full-time employee with a starting salary. 15,000 working period 6 months and up The company pays social security and has never been in the bureau . You can now own a beautiful condo ready to live in . 《Plum Lat Phrao 101》#Ready to move in Size 22.36 sqm, installments starting at 6,xxx only Consult us Contact number , line nice265 #Second hand condo #Lat Phrao condo #firstjobber #Apply for a bank loan #GH Bank #Condo rental

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How many years have you rented the room? Have you ever counted the rent? How many baht have you paid in total? Tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or hundreds of thousands And if we could get th

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