Lumpini Park Beach Cha-am, never rented room, very new room, 4-storey resort-style condominium, located on the 4th floor, Building A2. Next to the sea.

plus Created 2023-06-25 13:21
Boosted 2025-02-27 19:56
plus Create 2023-06-25 13:21
Boosted 2025-02-27 19:56


Lumpini Park Beach Cha-am, rooms never rented, very new rooms Resort-style condominium, 4 floors high, located on the 4th floor, Building A2. Next to the sea There are 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom, 1 kitchen, area 28.21 sq m. Parking available Nice project, good location, easy access to many channels Decoration: with furniture, spacious room, good atmosphere Quiet, next to the sea cool breeze, built-in kitchen have a refrigerator water heater curtain TV wall shelf Sofa, dining table bed and mattress 5 feet with 2 air conditioners Area: 28.21 square meters Selling price: 2,200,000 baht // half transfer fee If interested, contact for more details at 📲 Contact number Contact number 🆔️: Contact number IG : sumon_bee TikTok/@sumonbee #Consignment for rent, consignment for sale, condos & houses Procurement of all kinds of real estate **Marketing for free-** no obligation #Proceed with documents until the transfer date complete in one place #Service to take loan, take care of credit for free. facilities swimming pool Sauna Stream Room Fitness activity room Living library Suan Ruamjai and Playground Location: Main road along Cha-am beach, Petchkasem secondary road, Cha-am Subdistrict, Cha-am District, Phetchaburi Province Highlights / nearby places: - Cha-am beach - Cha-am forest park - Cha-am municipal fresh market - Cha-am train station Traveling in and out is convenient in many ways: - Petchkasem Road, Cha-am Bypass Road - Pranburi (Bypass) - Ruamchit Road (Cha-am Beach) - Khlong Thian Road

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Lumpini Park Beach Cha-am, rooms never rented, very new rooms Resort-style condominium, 4 floors high, located on the 4th floor, Building A2. Next to the sea There are 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom, 1 kitchen

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