Sale 3-Storey, Corner Modern Townhome as Home office style at Pruksa Ville Village Serithai 81

plus Created 2023-07-04 01:49
Extended 2025-02-04 11:49
plus Create 2023-07-04 01:49
Extended 2025-02-04 11:49
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Sale 3-Storey, Corner Modern Townhome as Home office style at Pruksa Ville Village Serithai 81 The village is located in Soi Seri Thai 81, 140 meters from Seri Thai Road (Sukhapiban 2), near Siam Park, away 1.5 km from the entrance to the motorway ; Bangna-Bang Pa-in (No. 9), Seri Thai checkpoint and about 10 minutes from Suvarnabhumi Airport. It is a small village, only 100 houses, The house is at the main road in the middle of the village, 9 meters wide. The house is 50 meters from the village gate exit and is adjacent to the project garden. Beautiful house number, Land area 30.5 square meters Usable area 165 square meters 3-storey house, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms on each floor. It is a Zen-style house designed for every usable area worthwhile. The 1st floor is a living room zone, kitchen, bathroom, storage room and Thai kitchen, including a washing area behind the house. 2nd floor is office, storage room and master bedroom with walk in-closet bathroom. 3rd floor is bedroom 2 and bedroom 3 with walk in-closet bathroom. Parking for 2 cars with a garden area on the side of the house. There is a corner window for wind and the light entering through inside of the house. It is very well air ventilation where is adjacent to the tree and garden and not hot air. It is the home office style. The entrance of main door at the ground floor is a full glass pane where is very suitable for a showroom showing products and receiving front desk with the customers. **Sell by owner** **Price 4,990,000 baht** Interested contact Khun Arthit LINE ID : 3bear2hand Email : Contact email

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Sale 3-Storey, Corner Modern Townhome as Home office style at Pruksa Ville Village Serithai 81 The village is located in Soi Seri Thai 81, 140 meters from Seri Thai Road (Sukhapiban 2), near Siam Park

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