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For Sale : Urgent sale, cheap sale, ready to move in @Bang Pu 54 4.5-storey commercial building, corner unit, selling for only 4.5 million baht, in excellent condition 🎉 Sai Mu must know, house number 128/4, beautiful number, very suitable for business, Bang Pu 54 coordinates, near Keha BTS station, only 2 kilometers 💥 Price only 3.9 million baht, including all expenses - Enter Soi Bang Pu 54 for about 100 meters - Width x length = 4×12 meters - Land area approximately 12 sq m - Usable area approximately 230 sq m - 4.5-storey design with roof terrace, 3 bathrooms - Water system, water pump ready to use - 2-phase electrical system, ready to use - Parking in front of the house for 2-3 cars - Strong structure 📌 2 km from Keha BTS station, near Lotus, Robinson, near Bang Pu resort, Near PTT gas station, near school, near community ☎️☎️For more information, contact Khun Nuch Contact number, Khun Ket Contact number
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