For sale The Chic Town, Lat Lum Kaew, townhome in front of the project, good value for money and future

plus Created 2023-07-14 13:52
Boosted 2024-12-12 20:56
plus Create 2023-07-14 13:52
Boosted 2024-12-12 20:56


Pros - New house, never lived in - house in front of the project, easy to access, convenient parking, better society, can resell at good price in future - Rim room, area 22 square wah, airy and comfortable, bigger than other houses There is also a u-turn. - usable area of more than 88 square meters - working area there is a big company in vicinity - Ajinomoto Company - Sittipol Company - American Foods Company Limited - Honda Center -asian stanley international company Co., Ltd., a manufacturer of automobile lamps of the country - Sealam Company Headquarters - CKB Place Steel Company - Weerasu Lat Lum Kaew Warehouse - etc. Facilities Big C, makro, 100-year Rift Market -Pathum Thani Hospital, Lat Lum Kaew District Hospital - Security system. Security in front of the project, CCTV, garden, parking The Chic Town (The Chic Town) developed by 124 Privacy Condominium, The Chic Town is located at Lad Luk Kaew District, Pathum Thani Province 12140. Location: contact: Khun Gon #Mouproperty Mobile number: Contact number Line ID: mouproperty E-mail : Contact email Mouproperty offers deposit, buy-sell all types of real estate, consults, provides free credit - Providing services for selling, renting properties by a professional team Committed to honest and reliable performance - Consulting and submitting a free loan #moupoperty#thechic#homeforsaleinprathumthani#homeorsaleinladlumkaew##townhomeforsaleinprathumthani#townhomeforsaleinladlumkaew

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Pros - New house, never lived in - house in front of the project, easy to access, convenient parking, better society, can resell at good price in future - Rim room, area 22 square wah, airy and comfor

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