2-storey detached house for sale, beautiful location, Prachaniwet 1, Bon Marche, area of ​​​​114 square meters - the owner sells by himself.

plus Created 2023-08-29 11:34
Boosted 2025-02-09 12:07
plus Create 2023-08-29 11:34
Boosted 2025-02-09 12:07
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2-storey detached house, 114 square meters, is an old house, renovated in 2017. 300 square meters of space, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms (with separate maids bedroom and bathroom), 2 car parks, 3 large trees in front of the house. Price 27.5 million baht (half transfer fee) Please contact Malinee Contact number https://maps.app.goo.gl/e5xphtvPCqN3vse58?g_st=ic ready house for sale 6 air conditioners 5 TVs 2 refrigerators 1 water pump 3 water heaters 1 massage chair 1 piano 1 Honda accord hybrid car (Year 60, white color) Solar cells on grid 5 KW (electricity can be sold back) 500 meters from top supermarket 800 meters from Prachaniwet Market 1 800 meters from Bon Marche Market 1.7 km. from the Red Line BTS Wat Samian Nari Station 2.2 km. from Kasemrad Prachachuen Hospital 2.5 km. from Prachanukul intersection expressway 2.8 km from The Mall Ngamwongwan

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2-storey detached house, 114 square meters, is an old house, renovated in 2017. 300 square meters of space, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms (with separate maids bedroom and bathroom), 2 car parks, 3 large tre

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