Dont miss out on a 2-storey detached house for sale, newly renovated, beautiful, clear, vintage style. (Vintage + Minimal)

plus Created 2023-09-12 20:31
Boosted 2025-02-06 12:15
plus Create 2023-09-12 20:31
Boosted 2025-02-06 12:15
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Wide area 57 sq m, 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 1 large kitchen, 1 living room, parking for 2 cars, with garden around the house, airy and cool all day Land area: 57 sq m. Usable area: 160 sq m. Front of house width: 10 m. Depth 8 m. Living room: 18 sq m. Master bedroom: 12 sq m. comes with a large balcony up to 10 sq m. Bedroom 2, 3, 2nd floor: 10.5 sq m/room Bedroom 4, 1st floor: 9 sq m. Direction: Front of the house faces northeast. Front garden area: 28 sq m Backyard area: 32 sq m. Kitchen area for addition next to the house: 20 sq m 20 renovation items 1. Spray termites 2. Change the 2nd floor ceiling from a T-bar ceiling to a smooth ceiling for the entire floor. To make the house modern 3. Change the electrical system New electrical wiring throughout the house. The 2nd floor is a wall slit type with pipes buried. The 1st floor is a conduit type. Beautiful and clean. 4. Change the door leaf New window panes throughout the house, from wood to white baked aluminum, clear green glass throughout the house. 5. Change the stair railing handles from red PVC like the old house. It is a synthetic wooden handle. To make the house look more luxurious 6. Spray paint the newly decorated stair railing. change from black The whole house is white. 7. Change all bathroom sanitary ware in both rooms 8. Lay new bathroom tiles in both rooms. 9. Polish and coat with urethane. Parquet floors in every 2nd floor bedroom, new 10. Repaint the exterior and interior of the entire house. 11. Paint the entire fence. from the brick fence Its a white fence 12. Repair the metal sheet roof pillars of the kitchen, paint the shade, new roof. 13. Clear the area for landscaping in front of the house. From an abandoned dirt garden to a rock garden complete with paved walkways. and make a DIY minimalist living area from the houses old wooden door 14. Clear the area next to the house, pave walkway stones, and pour additional cement to prevent dirt from staining the walls next to the house. 15. Clear the backyard of overgrown grass. Lay down a plastic sheet to cover the soil. for planting trees in the future 16. Make a wrought iron cover, change the black color to white, beautiful, new, matching the style of the house. 17. Build a fence on the back wall of the house, increasing the height by another 40 cm. 18. Decorate the backyard fence with leftover wrought iron. DIY it as a decorative wrought iron fence. Has a chic, unique style. 19. Conceals the neighbors brick wall. With metal roof sheets painted to match the theme. It is a beautiful, new and unique wall decoration. 20. Change the entire house with new lighting fixtures. The road in front of the house is up to 7 meters wide Great price, like getting a new house. With a location in the heart of the city, only 3.49 million baht (If you like the house, we can discuss the price. I want someone to take care of the house.) Nearby landmarks Entertainment Road 1.2 km. Wat Choeng Khao 1.6 km. Bang Chak Gas Station Inbound to Saraburi city 1.3 km. Ket Phichai School, Saraburi 3.7 km. Muang Saraburi Police Station 2.1 km. Mittraphap Hospital 4 km. Saraburi Witthayakhom School 5.3 km. Contact to make an appointment to see the house/for more information Khun Or call/Line Contact number FB page Master Asset Plus reviews the renovation of this house. Before-after renovation here YouTube : Accepting renovations of office buildings and residences, ready for marketing. Loan application service Completed until transfer date

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Wide area 57 sq m, 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 1 large kitchen, 1 living room, parking for 2 cars, with garden around the house, airy and cool all day Land area: 57 sq m. Usable area: 160 sq m. Front of

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