
The Excel Bearing The Excel Bearing Bangna Lasalle 11 BTS Bearing

plus Created 2023-09-13 20:27
Boosted 2025-02-05 20:43
plus Create 2023-09-13 20:27
Boosted 2025-02-05 20:43


Anyone looking for a condo below cost, a condo with money left over? Location near the BTS The Excel Bearing The Excel Bearing Bangna Bangkok Code 1907 for sale: Excel Bearing, Lasalle, near BTS Bearing, size 27sqm. Excel Bearing Condo is located in Soi Lasalle 11 (Sukhumvit 105), Bangna District, Bangkok. Its an 8-story condo. On the 8th floor, the balcony can see the skytrain. Theres film and the breeze is very cool. Size 27 sq m, 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom, 1 air conditioner, partially furnished. Common fee 16000 baht per year Facilities: fitness room and large Innity Edge swimming pool, CCTV, 24 hour security, parking, key card system for entering and exiting the building. The location of the condo is near BTS Bearing, about 650 meters, near shops and restaurants. convenience store Department store: Big C, Central, Mega Bangna, near Thainakarin Hospital. Selling for 1.55 million baht, transferring half, buying for 1.8 million baht The current estimated price is probably around 2 million baht. There arent any photos of the actual room. If interested, you can make an appointment to see the room. Contact Mix Contact number Line : @mixthaihome #Condo Bearing for sale #Condo for saleLaSalle #TheExcel #TheExcelBearing

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Anyone looking for a condo below cost, a condo with money left over? Location near the BTS The Excel Bearing The Excel Bearing Bangna Bangkok Code 1907 for sale: Excel Bearing, Lasalle, near BTS Beari

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