Townhouse for sale, The Connect Rama 5-Nakhon In, addition to the front of the house, kitchen in the back of the house, ready to move in, easy access to the Si Rat Expressway.

plus Created 2023-09-21 19:53
Boosted 2025-02-10 17:25
plus Create 2023-09-21 19:53
Boosted 2025-02-10 17:25
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Townhouse for sale, The Connect Rama 5-Nakhon In, addition to the front of the house, kitchen in the back of the house, ready to move in, easy access to Si Rat Expressway This price is equivalent to a project for sale but without additions. The house is on the first alley near the garden. Very convenient for people to use cars, close to both Rama 5 Bridge and Rama 5 Roundabout - has an area of 18 square meters - Examination area 96 square meters - 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms - 2 new air conditioners, 1 water heater - Parking for 1 car in front, roof added. The house faces north - the back has a kitchen extension decorated with a loft cement wall. Looks modern like a house - Plus a 3-door kitchen counter, matching floating cabinets, water tank, water pump. - There is a 24-hour security guard, the entrance uses a key card system, the garden size is 1 rai - the common fee is 48 baht per square wa (855/month) *** Selling price 2.5 million From the village to Nakhon In Road approximately 900 meters At the entrance of the alley there is a 7-Eleven, Nakhon In-Bang Phai Market, coffee cafe, Makro department store The new house is not there. The age of the house is approximately 5 years . If interested, inquire Contact number . Reserve another 086-023 seven seven 66 . Line id : sixoct48

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Townhouse for sale, The Connect Rama 5-Nakhon In, addition to the front of the house, kitchen in the back of the house, ready to move in, easy access to Si Rat Expressway This price is equivalent to a

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