Single house for sale Suetrong Bang Yai Village, large house, Tel. 095-088-2688

plus Created 2023-09-28 10:17
Boosted 2025-01-31 22:22
plus Create 2023-09-28 10:17
Boosted 2025-01-31 22:22
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Single house for sale, Suetrong Bang Yai Village , area 60 square meters, usable area 237 square meters 2-story house, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, parking for 2 cars, for sale with furniture. electrical appliance The house is spacious and has space around the house 5 air conditioners in the whole house (3 upstairs, 2 downstairs), 3 water heaters, in front of the village there are 7-Eleven, shops, medicine, restaurants, project next to the main road Bang Bua Thong - Suphan Buri For sale 4,200,000 baht If interested, contact: Contact number Line: mooprasit Winner Estate Company accepts sales, rentals, houses, land, condos, complete service Suetrong Bang Yai Village Bang Bua Thong-Suphanburi Road, Lahan Subdistrict, Bang Bua Thong District, Nonthaburi 11110 Near: Charoon Sap Market, Bang Bua Thong, Makro Bang Bua Thong Branch, Lotus Bang Kruai-Sai Noi, Bua Thong Market, Do Home Bang Bua Thong Branch, Sarasas Witaed Sai Noi Phitthayakhan School

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Single house for sale, Suetrong Bang Yai Village , area 60 square meters, usable area 237 square meters 2-story house, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, parking for 2 cars, for sale with furniture. electrical

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