COBE Kaset-Sripathum Studio room, price per unit is not expensive, fully furnished, many rooms to choose from.

plus Created 2023-10-23 22:01
Boosted 6 hours
plus Create 2023-10-23 22:01
Boosted 6 hours


There are many rooms to choose from as follows: Studio 23.62 sq.m. 813 : 8th floor, position 13 (23.62 sq.m.) Contract price 2,790,000 baht + seller's profit (Call) 12A06 : 12A floor, position 06 (24.28 sq.m.) Contract price 3,075,000 baht + seller's profit (Call) 12A15 : 12A floor, position 15 (23.62 sq.m.) Contract price 2,999,000 baht + seller's profit (Call) 12A21 : 12A floor, position 21 (23.62 sq.m.) Contract price 2,994,000 baht + seller's profit (Call) 1707 : 17th floor, position 07 (23.62 sq.m.) Contract price 3,107,000 baht + seller's profit (Call) 1713 : 17th floor, position 13 (23.62 sq.m.) Contract price 3,013,000 baht + seller's profit (Call) 1721 : 17th floor, position 21 (23.62 sq.m.) Contract price 3,107,000 baht + seller's profit (Call) Studio 26.68 - 26.97 sq.m. 803 : 8th floor, position 03 (26.19 sq.m.) Contract price 3,115,000 baht + seller's profit (Call) 1209 : 12th floor, position 09 (26.68 sq.m.) Contract price 3,280,000 baht + seller's profit (Call) 12A02 : 12A floor, position 02 (26.97 sq.m.) Contract price 3,215,000 baht + seller's profit (Call) 12A03 : 12A floor, position 03 (26.19 sq.m.) Contract price 3,165,000 baht + seller's profit (Call) 12A08 : 12A floor, position 02 (26.68 sq.m.) Contract price 3,202,000 baht +Seller's profit (Call) 1702 : 17th floor, position 02 (26.97 sq.m.) Contract price 3,342,000 baht +Seller's profit (Call) 1909 : 19th floor, position 09 (26.68 sq.m.) Contract price 3,424,000 baht +Seller's profit (Call) 1910 : 19th floor, position 10 (26.68 sq.m.) Contract price 3,424,000 baht +Seller's profit (Call) Studio rooms are the project's best-selling room type because the Pack Price is not high , so you can live there yourself at a reasonable price. Easier to rent out than other types of rooms And currently the project has sold out all Studio rooms on every floor All rooms get the first round VVIP price with a discount for old residents and 200,000-300,000 baht cheaper than the Paragon event price Fully Furnished, complete with wardrobe, bed, sofa, TV stand Kitchen counter, electric stove, range hood, digital door lock Shower screen, shoe rack and air conditioner Price 12x,xxx baht/sq m., Fully Furnished 0 meters from the BTS Green Line, direct connection to Siam Plus this is a project that will be completed in the next 3 years With a price per sq m equal to the resale price of the neighboring project that has been completed for 3-4 years Plus you get to take care of the residents And a good project standard in the SC ASSET style Referring to the rental rate at around ten thousand in the middle Compared to nearby projects where currently the rental rooms are full with almost no vacancies It is considered a newly opened project with a very good price The owner sells it himself, not through an agency, no commission Interested, contact Contact number Line ID: pop.wp Or Click to add Line at this link

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There are many rooms to choose from as follows: Studio 23.62 sq.m. 813 : 8th floor, position 13 (23.62 sq.m.) Contract price 2,790,000 baht + seller's profit (Call) 12A06 : 12A floor, position 06

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