✔️ Selling very cheap, 3.49 million baht, first-hand condo, pool view, next to the sea ✔️ Grand Florida Beachfront Condo, Na Jomtien, Pattaya, beautiful room, free!!! Fully furnished, complete electrical appliances ✔️

plus Created 2023-10-31 11:20
Boosted 2024-12-01 21:47
plus Create 2023-10-31 11:20
Boosted 2024-12-01 21:47


✔️ Selling very cheap, 3.49 million baht, first-hand condo, pool view, next to the sea ✔️ Grand Florida Beachfront Condo, Na Jomtien, Pattaya, beautiful room, free!!! Fully furnished, complete electrical appliances✔️ 💥✔️ Special sale for only *** 3,490,000 minus only ***✔️💥Urgent 🔥🔥Every transfer fee 50/50🔥🔥 🏝️ Pool view, next to the sea, room as per the posted picture. Very good for rent 🏝️Good room, good view, when its gone, its gone. Very good price, cheaper than the project page💥 🆗 - Area 36 sq m. - 1 bathroom, 1 bathroom - 5th floor, Building D, next to the sea - Pool view as per the posted picture - Fully furnished💥 - Complete electrical appliances💥 🆗Amenities - Soaking pool, Onsen - Fitness - Restaurant - Beautiful, large swimming pool - Access to private beach - Sauna - Area for children ✔️ : Na Jomtien, Pattaya 💥✔️ Special sale for only *** 3,490,000 million baht only ***✔️💥 ***Reservation money accepted by credit card, more convenient*** KP PROPERTY PLUS + Selling houses, buildings, condos, land ☎️If interested in viewing the house, please inquire👉Line : https://line.me/ti/p/EmOxNIgoSk 👉Kp Property plus Tel. Contact number , Contact number

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✔️ Selling very cheap, 3.49 million baht, first-hand condo, pool view, next to the sea ✔️ Grand Florida Beachfront Condo, Na Jomtien, Pattaya, beautiful room, free!!! Fully furnished, complete electri

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