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Mulberry Grove The Forestias Condo
For SALE : Mulberry Grove The Forestias Location : BANG NA Sell Price : 41,650,000 Baht Unit Size : 151.23 sq.m. 3 bedroom(s) / 4 bathroom(s) Ref No. : C Contact number Mulberry Grove The Forestias Condominiums are designed with a wide area that feels like home. With various flexible functions Surrounded by green space, close to the forest, creating a truly happy space . ▪️ There is a Porch Area in front of the house, increasing the usable space outside ▪️ Extra large entrance made of FSC-certified forest wood, good quality, termite-free ▪️ No steps, every step supports all ages without interruption ▪️ Wide balcony without compressor air, allowing everyone to make the most of the space . Complete facilities: Comes with complete facilities Supporting all your needs - RECEPTION & LOBBY - EVENT SPACE & COFFEE BAR - FAMILY DINING AREA - CO-WORKING SPACE - MEETING ROOM - FITNESS " Contact us. " Call : Contact number LINE@ : @theestate , http://line.me/ti/p/~@theestate Website : http://www.theestate-thailand.com E-Mail : Contact email The Estate Thailand, a subsidiary of MQDC, operates a business providing services for buying, selling, and renting quality condominiums in the Prime Zone area, ready to provide advice for accurate decisions, worthwhile investments.
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