River view room, most beautifully decorated, built-in + electrical appliances. There is nothing more complete than this. Just carry one bag and move in!

plus Created 2023-11-25 10:14
Boosted 2025-01-15 19:06
plus Create 2023-11-25 10:14
Boosted 2025-01-15 19:06
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The most beautiful view, the most beautiful room of The Politan Aqua, view of the Chao Phraya River, highest floor, 59th floor, size 30.78 sq m. Very beautifully decorated, built-in throughout the room! The owner is selling it himself. Decided to sell due to moving to work in another province Plus furniture in the room -Sofa + headboard from Design Delivery brand, Acacia fabric -Sofa center table + real marble bar table -2 bar stools-geometric lamp -bedside lamp -Bedside cabinet price -Bed base price -Carpet price Electrical appliances -TV 55" -Washing machine+dryer -Electric stove+Hood -Digital door lock - Refrigerator - Microwave - Water filter -Water heater -Coffee maker The central part of the condo is awesome. Can see the sunset Good location and very convenient In front of the condo there is a Ton Sak market. and newly opened markets Complete food and amenities Nail salon, car wash, tutoring for children. If interested, contact Line: Jukjikp Mobile: Contact number Whatsapp: Contact number

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The most beautiful view, the most beautiful room of The Politan Aqua, view of the Chao Phraya River, highest floor, 59th floor, size 30.78 sq m. Very beautifully decorated, built-in throughout the roo

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