Condo for sale, Parc Exo Kaset-Navamintra (Parc Exo Kaset-Navamintra), Building A, 8th floor, area 30.2 sq m.

plus Created 2023-12-07 16:26
Boosted 2025-01-26 11:13
plus Create 2023-12-07 16:26
Boosted 2025-01-26 11:13


Want to sell Condo Park Exo Kaset-Navamintra (Parc Exo Kaset-Navamintra), Building A, 8th floor, area 30.2 sq m. - Area 30.2 sq m. - Building A, 8th floor - Simple and elegant decoration. Ready to move in - 1 bedroom / 1 bathroom - 1 kitchen - living / dining area divided into sections - refrigerator, washing machine, microwave, complete set - 2 air conditioners - complete set of furniture Just carry your bag and move in - Selling price 2.2 million **Nearby places** -7-11 and Sport Mall 60 meters -Chocolate Ville 300 meters -Pattawikorn Market 2 kilometers -Big C 2.1 kilometers - Tesco Lotus Nawamin 4.2 kilometers - Phyathai Nawamin Hospital 3.5 kilometers - Synphaet Hospital 3.9 kilometers -Sainaet Market 4.6 kilometers-Big C Khubon 4.8 kilometers -Fashion Island 7.1 kilometers -The Promenade 6.4 kilometers -Central EastVille 9.1 kilometers-Tesco Lotus 8.4 kilometers -The Crystal Park 9.4 kilometers -CDC 8.1 kilometers **Need additional information. Or make an appointment to visit the room Contact Khun Su Contact number /// Contact number. .

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Want to sell Condo Park Exo Kaset-Navamintra (Parc Exo Kaset-Navamintra), Building A, 8th floor, area 30.2 sq m. - Area 30.2 sq m. - Building A, 8th floor - Simple and elegant decoration. Ready to mov

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