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Condo for sale: Manor Sanambinnam, high floor, river view, only 3.5 million baht.

plus Created 2024-03-26 10:39
Boosted 2024-10-11 14:04
plus Create 2024-03-26 10:39
Boosted 2024-10-11 14:04
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Condo on the riverside, high floor, river view with a large swimming pool on the riverside There is a 7-11 in front of the condo, suitable for living. and the project has a potential location for renting out There are always full occupants Room information: Building C, 24th floor, size 62 sq m. River view room 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms Sold with 3 air conditioners, kitchen counter with electric stove and hood, water heater Refrigerator, dining table , bed with 6 foot mattress , if interested, can come see the actual room first Selling price is only 3.5 million baht, transfer fee is half each. Interested or want to ask for more information, contact: Tel: Contact number (Ton)Line: lt0nl (LT NL Center) ============================================ ==============

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Condo on the riverside, high floor, river view with a large swimming pool on the riverside There is a 7-11 in front of the condo, suitable for living. and the project has a potential location for rent

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