Manthana Bangna Km. 13. The condition of the house inside is very good. 2-story detached house, zone in front of the project, on an area of ​​66.5 sq m., usable area 230 sq m. - next to the garden, facing north, airy, cool breeze. The house is shady all d

plus Created 2023-12-19 17:28
Boosted 2025-02-20 17:26
plus Create 2023-12-19 17:28
Boosted 2025-02-20 17:26
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Manthana Bangna Km.13 Condition of the house inside is very good Zone in front of the project. Behind the corner shady tree Next to the garden, near the clubhouse, inside the house is clean well taken care of - 2-storey detached house, zone in front of the project, on an area of ​​66.5 square meters, usable area 185 sq m. - Next to the garden, facing north, airy, cool breeze. The house is shady all day because its close to the garden. Parking for 2 cars - 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms - with furniture -kitchen - 5 air conditioners, water heater and exhaust hood, curtains throughout the house - Utilities, fitness center, swimming pool, lawn, good environment Managed by a juristic person 24 hour security system - Convenient travel, easy to enter the city Next to Bangna-Trad Road - near amenities: Suvarnabhumi Airport Ring Road, HomePro Village, Mega Bangna, Central Bangna, etc. Jay Contact number Id line jay91911 #House in Bangna zone #House near Mega Bangna #House near Suvarnabhumi Airport

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Manthana Bangna Km.13 Condition of the house inside is very good Zone in front of the project. Behind the corner shady tree Next to the garden, near the clubhouse, inside the house is clean well taken

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