Down payment for sale, So Origin Siriraj, DUO SPACE room, great price.

plus Created 2023-12-27 19:32
Boosted 2025-02-23 12:09
plus Create 2023-12-27 19:32
Boosted 2025-02-23 12:09
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Duplex Room Duplex Room


Selling down payment on DUO SPACE Condo SO Origin Siriraj near Fai Chai intersection , next to Phran Nok Road, 80 meters from Fai Chai MRT The owner is selling it himself. Best price, 5th floor, room location 518 , 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom , ceiling height 4.20 meters The number of project rooms is small. Not crowded, area according to title deed 30.40 sq m., usable area (including mezzanine) 42 sq m Parking space 50%***Project SOLD OUT*** Contract price 4,500,500 baht, discount 150,500 remaining 4,350,000 baht (Payment every 25th of the month) 32nd installment 300,000 baht per month down payment sale Installment already paid + Call (Paid until April 2024, 10 installments) Ekawit Tel : Contact number Line : tey1964

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Selling down payment on DUO SPACE Condo SO Origin Siriraj near Fai Chai intersection , next to Phran Nok Road, 80 meters from Fai Chai MRT The owner is selling it himself. Best price, 5th floor, room

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