🚩H1091 Single house for sale, 76.3 sq.w., Manthana Village, Watcharapol-Ram Intra 2, Tha Raeng Subdistrict, Bang Khen District, good location, near Watcharapol Intersection, located on the corner.

plus Created 2024-01-09 21:08
Extended 2025-01-30 20:43
plus Create 2024-01-09 21:08
Extended 2025-01-30 20:43
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🚩H1091 Single house for sale, 76.3 sq.w., Manthana Village, Watcharapol-Ram Intra 2, good location, near Watcharapol Intersection, corner house, decorated and extended, ready to move in ⛳Location: 200/121 Manthana Village, Watcharapol-Ram Intra 2, Tha Raeng Subdistrict, Bang Khen District, Bangkok 10220 📌Coordinates https://goo.gl/maps/3WjayKUJq6ubNnWM8⭕ Details ➡️Area 76.3 sq.wa., usable area 180 sq.m. ➡️4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 2 kitchens (with maids room and bathroom)➡️The front of the house faces south ➡️- 3 air conditioners, 5 water heaters➡️Additional multipurpose room ➡️Parking for 2 cars inside the house ⭕Facilities within the project ✅-Swimming pool, fitness, ✅Public park, playground CN BROKER offers free house sales services. No fees. If it doesnt sell, no charge. Our job is to serve you

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🚩H1091 Single house for sale, 76.3 sq.w., Manthana Village, Watcharapol-Ram Intra 2, good location, near Watcharapol Intersection, corner house, decorated and extended, ready to move in ⛳Location: 200

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