
Condo for sale Knightsbridge Prime Onnut (Knightsbridge Prime On Nut): next to BIG C On Nut, only 600 m. to BTS On Nut - ceiling height 3 meters.

plus Created 2024-01-13 21:26
Boosted 2024-12-08 10:02
plus Create 2024-01-13 21:26
Boosted 2024-12-08 10:02


25th floor Unit no. 2520, fully furnished, decorated interior - 1 Bed plus size 31.5 sq m - 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom and 1 multipurpose room - A multi-purpose room can be used as a small bedroom, office, living room or walk-in closet, depending on the lifestyle of the residents. - Corner room has a window on the side, allowing wind to flow inside the room without having to open the door. - The wall is attached to another room only on one side. Private for living ** Selling price 5.8 million baht ** If interested, you can ask for details. Follow the contact channels below The owner is selling it himself. If interested, ask for more information and negotiate the price : Tel. Contact number Line ID: boo_buu

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25th floor Unit no. 2520, fully furnished, decorated interior - 1 Bed plus size 31.5 sq m - 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom and 1 multipurpose room - A multi-purpose room can be used as a small bedroom, office,

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