📢 🏠️ Townhome for sale, Chuan Chuen Town (Kaew In - Bang Yai), corner house, has a private garden next to the house 👍👍👍

plus Created 2024-01-18 18:09
Boosted 2025-02-06 18:31
plus Create 2024-01-18 18:09
Boosted 2025-02-06 18:31


--- Meenny386 --- Chuan Chuen Town Kaew In-Bang Yai project, beautiful corner house, Japanese garden next to the house. Built-in decoration Adding an additional mezzanine with a Buddha shelf on the 2nd floor of the house Make a parking roof Stamp concrete onto the floor. Make a rainproof roof behind the house. details Area 44 square wah, usable area 140 square meters, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, beautiful plot, most corner. The house is on the side that is not covered by an electric pole There is a grass area on the side that extends to the front of the house. The parking area is deeper than normal 📌 Price 3,800,000 baht (transfer half each) ✅ Apply for a loan for free Every bank has it ❌ If you dont get the loan, we are happy to give you a full 100% refund 👇Buying-selling second-hand houses👇 ✅ For further inquiries make an appointment to view the house, contact: Meen Tel. Contact number Line id: @happyhome456 Near Central Vetgate , hospital, supermarket, fresh market, expressway, motorway and electric train in the future Reason for selling: moving back to another province.

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--- Meenny386 --- Chuan Chuen Town Kaew In-Bang Yai project, beautiful corner house, Japanese garden next to the house. Built-in decoration Adding an additional mezzanine with a Buddha shelf on the 2n

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