Slae!! Free common areas for 5 years, free furniture, free transfer, Flexi Condo, Tao Poon interchange, resort style, near MRT 3 lines, Tao Poon.

plus Created 2024-01-26 15:39
Boosted 2025-02-04 17:17
plus Create 2024-01-26 15:39
Boosted 2025-02-04 17:17
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Sale!! Free common areas for 5 years, free furniture, free transfer, Condo Fexi Tao Poon interchange, resort style, near MRT 3, Tao Poon Room details 28 sq m., 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom, starting at 1.64, 5th floor 34 sq m., starting at 1.95 , free common areas for 5 years, every room, free transfer, free complete set of furniture. Ready to move in immediately New condo, resort style, in the heart of the city connected to every trip easily with MRT Bang Pho I Bang Son I Tao Poon - Condo that provides all the functions you need. of the lifestyle of the new generation - spacious rooms, closed kitchen, divided into portions - There is a Shuttle Service, a pick-up and drop-off service. MRT-various central areas Complete with all activities - close to the office, complete with everything to eat, travel, shop Interested in viewing the actual room? Contact. BetterPlaceTH Contact number id line porpung5606

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Sale!! Free common areas for 5 years, free furniture, free transfer, Condo Fexi Tao Poon interchange, resort style, near MRT 3, Tao Poon Room details 28 sq m., 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom, starting at 1.64,

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