⭐️Urgent special price⭐️ Setthasiri Don Mueang (Setthasiri Don Mueang) only 12 million. Inquire for an appointment to view 0647944263

plus Created 2024-01-26 16:30
Extended 2024-12-11 01:15
plus Create 2024-01-26 16:30
Extended 2024-12-11 01:15
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Georgian style house, live elegantly with pride Setthasiri Don Mueang, normally priced at 15-40 million Today's special price starts at only 12.99 million Open a new zone, luxury homes, private zone with 3 parking spaces Relax in the lake atmosphere and large clubhouse ⭐️ Function 4-5 bedrooms, 4-6 bathrooms, supporting families of all sizes ⭐️ Cooliving Designed Home innovation ⭐️ Digital Fence and LIV-24 security system #Location On the main road ✈️ Opposite Don Mueang Airport 🏫 Near Harrow International School 🌳 Complete with common areas and functions for everyone in the family ✍🏻 Register to receive VIP privileges Interested, please contact us / make an appointment to visit the project 📞call: Contact number (Sales Officer) *Conditions are as determined by the company #Single house #Sathasiri #Don Mueang #Lat Phrao #YOUAreMadeForLife #sansiri #Sansiri

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Georgian style house, live elegantly with pride Setthasiri Don Mueang, normally priced at 15-40 million Today's special price starts at only 12.99 million Open a new zone, luxury homes, private z

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