2-story detached house for sale, corner house, Green Park Chuan Chuen City, Khubon Road, Soi Khubon 27, Intersection 11

plus Created 2024-02-06 09:52
Boosted 9 hours
plus Create 2024-02-06 09:52
Boosted 9 hours
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Contact: Mr. James Contact number office: Contact number Project name: Green Park Chuanchuen City (Green Park Chuanchuen City) Location: Khubon Road, Soi Khubon 27, Intersection 11, Tha Raeng Subdistrict, Bang Khen District, Bangkok 10220 Area: 58.6 square meters Number of rooms: 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, living room, office, kitchen Decoration: 4 air conditioners, addition to the front of the house. And around the house, parking: 2 cars, able to park up to 6 cars around the house Common area: Public park, security guard. Review: Beautiful house, nice to live in. There is an additional bedroom on the ground floor. Add a kitchen and complete the front of the house. Location at Ramintra, convenient transportation, can go in and out by many routes. including Sai Mai Road, Sukhapiban 5 Road, Lam Luk Ka Road and near Chalong Rat Expressway. Surrounded by facilities Convenient travel Khubon Road, Kanchana Ring Road, Watcharaphon Road, Sukhaphiban Road 5, Ramintra Road, Ramintra-At Narong Expressway Nearby places: Central Plaza Ramintra, Venice The Iris, Plearnary Mall, Big C, Tesco Lotus, Foodland, Safari World, Ying Charoen Market, AC Market, Wongsakorn Market, Or Ngoen Market. , Central General Hospital, Kasetsart University Bang Khen, Krirk University, Kasetsart University Demonstration School, Sarasas Witaed Saimai School, Or Ngoen School, Central General Hospital, Bhumibol Hospital. www.infin.co.th

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Contact: Mr. James Contact number office: Contact number Project name: Green Park Chuanchuen City (Green Park Chuanchuen City) Location: Khubon Road, Soi Khubon 27, Intersection 11, Tha Raeng Subdistr

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