Cheapest for sale, Suksan Village 10, next to the main road, entrance 8.9 million.

plus Created 2024-02-25 00:14
Boosted 2024-12-12 13:34
plus Create 2024-02-25 00:14
Boosted 2024-12-12 13:34
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Cheapest for sale, Suksan Village 10, next to the main road, entrance 8.9 million Location: Bang Khae - Kanchanaphisek Road If interested, contact Contact number Details of assets Name of project/village: Suksan 10 Area: 228 square meters 74 square meters Number of floors: 2 floors Number of bedrooms: 3 rooms Number of bathrooms: 3 rooms Number of kitchens: 1 roomNumber of large halls: 2 rooms Parking spaces: 2 cars Highlights of the asset The project is located on Kanchanaphisek Road, south nearby places. : Sirisuk Market Ring Center Company Toyota Mahanakhon Co., Ltd. Kanlapapruek Park Sampeng Floating Market 2 The Mall Bang Khae Location: Lak Song Subdistrict, Bang Khae District, Bangkok Loan consultation | Free loan application | Make an appointment to view the house every day If interested, contact Contact number If interested, contact Khun O Contact number

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Cheapest for sale, Suksan Village 10, next to the main road, entrance 8.9 million Location: Bang Khae - Kanchanaphisek Road If interested, contact Contact number Details of assets Name of project/vill

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