Single house Supalai Prima Villa Phahon- 50 Theprak Rd. 67.50 sq m. with walking closet and room for the elderly on the ground floor.

plus Created 2024-02-29 14:30
Extended 2024-10-23 20:17
plus Create 2024-02-29 14:30
Extended 2024-10-23 20:17
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Find a house near the city! Convenient travel, close to the airport! Avoid traffic jams on many routes, right?! Single house project Supalai Prima Villa Phaholyothin 50 Supalai Prima Villa Phaholyothin 50 , area with garden around the house 67.5 sq m., full usable area 203 sq m. - 4 bedrooms (with a bedroom on the ground floor for the elderly or for a small childs room) - 3 bathrooms - 1 very large kitchen - Area for the family on the upper floor that has been adjusted into an area for exercising or setting up a Buddha shelf - Large master room with walk in closet and built in shelves and rack for hanging clothes for women, juicy area. - A large bathroom connected to a walk in closet Suparuthai house style with a full usable area of ​​203 sq m., area 67.5 sq m. in front of the house, north direction, with space for planting trees around the house, parking space. 2 cars The neighbors are very cute (Ive proven it myself - elderly people living with little grandchildren, working-age people going out to work). If you want a quiet house with a good atmosphere, I recommend it. Price 9.5 million baht ( Price can be negotiated) Ready to take care of loans through the banking system and financial companies for those who work outside the company system Contact by calling Khun A - Araya Call Contact number Line : ID Contact number or click the link to add friends or line oa : @fastflow

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Find a house near the city! Convenient travel, close to the airport! Avoid traffic jams on many routes, right?! Single house project Supalai Prima Villa Phaholyothin 50 Supalai Prima Villa Phaholyothi

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