
Condo Dixel Hide Away, near BTS Bearing (Sukhumvit 105), Sukhumvit 105 Road, Bang Na Subdistrict, Bang Na District, Bangkok, area 25.9 sqm.

plus Created 2024-03-02 14:43
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plus Create 2024-03-02 14:43
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5199 The EXILI Way Near BTS Bearing (Sukhumvit 105) 106/146, 8th floor, Lasal 11, Bang Na District, Bang Na District, Bangkok -Size 25.90 square meters -1 bedroom -Lives Meter -6 meters long -1 air conditioner -Kitchen set -Sukhumvit 105 Nearby places 1. The Bangna Expressway 2 Big C Samrong 3. 4. Bangkok Mall - Lounge - Library - Shuttle Bus Services to BTS The highlight of the project "The Excel Hideaway Condo LOW RISE 1, building with full facilities near the BTS BTS 700 meters" #Condo near BTS #House price #Sukhumvit Condo 105 #Condo Lazal 11 #Very beautiful #The front of investment #beautiful land Price 1,239,000 baht Interested in asking for details at Jirayu Pukkas Realty One Estate (Thailand) Co., Www.homed4u.com (? (Under the Thai Real Estate Society) (Under the Confederation of ASEAN real estate business) Tel: Contact number Realty, mortgage day, selling Realty "We will sell to you" Accepting advice. Providing credit services E-mail: Contact email Https://line.me/ti/p/bgzg9i4nyb Https://www.facebook.com/homesalenow/

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5199 The EXILI Way Near BTS Bearing (Sukhumvit 105) 106/146, 8th floor, Lasal 11, Bang Na District, Bang Na District, Bangkok -Size 25.90 square meters -1 bedroom -Lives Meter -6 meters long -1 air co

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