New room, first hand, buy directly from the project 4️⃣.6️⃣9️⃣ Guaranteed, fully decorated room, cheapest, complete maintenance, free down payment 0 baht.

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Life LADPRAO VALLEY, luxury condo, large room By Sale AP Cheaper installments than renting, next to BTS 5 Lat Phrao intersection and MRT Phahon Yothin, convenient travel 0 meters Cheap installments 13,000 baht/month, free down payment 0 baht, 1 Bed, size 35 square meters, big room , price 4.69 million baht, Big size ✨ Free down payment of 0 baht, new room from a new project , condo ready to move in - easy installments 10,000/month - Free down payment of 0 baht - Move in immediately, fully decorated room High Rise condo, 44 ​​floors, central area 2 large swimming pools - BTS Lat Phrao Intersection - MRT Lat Phrao - Central Lat Phrao, Chatuchak Park, Central Phahon Yothin - near leading offices, monuments, new CBD- near the expressway - near international schools ,Vaphawadi Hospital Contact for more information BySale Umboon Ap Thasapong : Contact number Line : Contact number

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Life LADPRAO VALLEY, luxury condo, large room By Sale AP Cheaper installments than renting, next to BTS 5 Lat Phrao intersection and MRT Phahon Yothin, convenient travel 0 meters Cheap installments 13

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