
The owner is selling it himself. Selling down payment for Noble New District R9 project, size 46 sq m, selling down payment 728,000 baht.

plus Created 2024-03-15 11:05
Boosted 2024-12-12 03:59
plus Create 2024-03-15 11:05
Boosted 2024-12-12 03:59


Project for sale Noble Nue District R9 Noble New District R9 Size 46 sq m, Building R, 15th floor, location B2 - 2 bedrooms - 2 bathrooms Contract price 7,550,000 baht (There is a discount on the transfer day of another 376,000 baht) Selling down payment price 728,000 baht Now pay the 21st installment. facilities - Parking area Total parking space approximately 600 cars. General parking: 591 cars From floor G, 2-6 (15 automatic parking spaces on the 6th floor) Prepare parking spaces for disabled people on every parking level. Public parking/Taxi 6 cars in front of the project. 1 garbage parking space in front of the garbage room. Ambulance parking (In case of emergency, 2 cars) - Security system CCTV cameras 24 hours Access Control System with Face Scan and Key Card 24 hour security guard Enter the project and park your car on the building with the Bluetooth Long Length system.

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Project for sale Noble Nue District R9 Noble New District R9 Size 46 sq m, Building R, 15th floor, location B2 - 2 bedrooms - 2 bathrooms Contract price 7,550,000 baht (There is a discount on the tran

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