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For sale August charoenkrung 80, area 29.41 sq m, Building A, complete furniture and electrical appliances, river view.

plus Created 2024-03-16 12:38
Boosted 2025-02-06 18:37
plus Create 2024-03-16 12:38
Boosted 2025-02-06 18:37


For sale August condo charoenkrung 80, area 29.41 sq m, 6th floor, Building A, complete furniture and electrical appliances, good condition, view of the Chao Phraya River Property details - Condo 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom, 29.41 square meters, 6th floor, Chao Phraya River view. The room is in good condition – Complete with electrical appliances such as TV, refrigerator, washing machine, microwave oven, water heater Bed with mattress, sofa, dining table, TV stand, shelves, shoe cabinet. – The floor in the room is laminate flooring in good condition. The walls are covered with wallpaper in light tones, so the room looks bright. With curtains in both bedrooms and a relaxing area – Built-in food preparation area, including wall-mounted cabinets and cabinets for storing things used in the kitchen Kitchen counter, sink – There is a balcony at the back. Overlooking the Chao Phraya River - Inside the bedroom there is a bed. Built-in wardrobe and dressing table set – The bathroom is inside the bedroom. Use good sanitary ware and a water heater. Separate the wet and dry areas with a glass door. – The bathroom floor and walls are covered with tiles throughout the area – 2 air conditioners in the bedroom and living area – Parking for 1 car and 1 motorcycle – Balcony facing north Highlight of the project – Good location, in a commercial area Bangkok business– The room is decorated in a modern Scandinavian style, simple and elegant with mainly wooden materials – Complete facilities Whole swimming pool fitness room and leisure garden – Parking has sufficient space. Whole parking building and the parking lot under the building and around the building. – Enter and exit with a key card system – Within the project there is 24-hour security guards with CCTV – Common fee per square meter is 50 baht, paid annually Price 1,440,000 baht If interested, ask for more details Call: Contact number BellLine id: homelink29 website: https://listing.homelink.in.th/property/august-condo-charoenkrung-80 Visit other properties at: http://homelink.in.th/ youtube : Contact email

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For sale August condo charoenkrung 80, area 29.41 sq m, 6th floor, Building A, complete furniture and electrical appliances, good condition, view of the Chao Phraya River Property details - Condo 1 be

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