Last room, Lumpini Place Rama 8, beautifully renovated room, garden view, special installments starting at 7*** baht.

plus Created 2024-03-27 18:04
Boosted 2025-02-09 15:28
plus Create 2024-03-27 18:04
Boosted 2025-02-09 15:28
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Last room, Lumpini Place Rama 8, beautiful renovated room, garden view, special installments starting at 7*** baht, near the Bank of Thailand and Siriraj Hospital Building B, 1st floor 30 sq m. Price 1.69 million baht Room equipment - Bed, good mattress, soft, deep sleep, price in the tens of thousands - Dining table + 2 chairs - Sofa - 2 wardrobes Electrical appliances - 1 air conditioner - TV + sound system - water heater - washing machine - microwave - large refrigerator Key card system ✨located near - universities including Silpakorn University, Thammasat University, Mahidol University - Schools include Thammaphirak School, Wat Nai Rong Secondary School - Hospitals include Siriraj Hospital, Thonburi Hospital, and Chao Phraya Hospital - Department stores include Central Department Store, Tang Hua Seng Department Store, Pata Department Store, and Lotus Department Store. - Major Pinklao Cinema, Healthland Thai Massage and Southern Bus Terminal - Phra Pinklao Bridge, Rama 8 Bridge, and Sang Hi Bridge Location Consultation on purchasing loans Or you can invest right away Mr. Click to see contact phone number; Click to see contact phone number Line: @landhouse789#second hand condo #Condo ready to move in #Condo newly decorated, ready to move in #Fully furnished #Condo with furniture #Complete electrical appliances #Condo near Siriraj #Near Thammasat University, Tha Phrachan #Condo near Rama 8 #Condo near Phra Pinklao Bridge

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Last room, Lumpini Place Rama 8, beautiful renovated room, garden view, special installments starting at 7*** baht, near the Bank of Thailand and Siriraj Hospital Building B, 1st floor 30 sq m. Price

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