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Atmoz Ratchada - Huaikwang
Condo for sale Atmoz Ratchada-Huaikwang (Atmoz Ratchada-Huaikwang) Area 27 sq m., 5th floor, Building B Beautifully decorated room. Complete with furniture and electrical appliances, ready to move in, special price Selling price 2,600,000 baht Interested in viewing Contact Ms. Gift Panchanida Mobile Contact number https://line.me/ti/p/rdEtgTEIvB Details - 1 bedroom - 1 bathroom - 1 kitchen - Area 27 Sq m. - 5th floor, Building B Nearby places Regent's International School Bangkok Golden Place Rama 9 Embassy of the Democratic Republic of the Lao Peoples Democratic Republic Na Darun School, Singapore International School, Bangkok
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16.7 Km.
18.8 Km.
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