Urgent sale! Prime location, room rental business Central Pattaya Apartment Ready to continue business

plus Created 2024-03-29 16:52
Extended 2025-02-19 11:15
plus Create 2024-03-29 16:52
Extended 2025-02-19 11:15


Business for sale, accommodation, Pradubyati apartment Pattaya city center Located in Central Pattaya Sukhumvit Pattaya 42 Price 459 million baht Expenses on transfer date 50/50 There are 3 buildings in total. On a land area of 1 rai 3 ngan 38 sq m. There are a total of 200 rooms for rent. Public road cuts behind Buildings 2 and 3 The elevator is in Building 3, 3rd floor, connecting all 3 buildings. Building 1 has parking next to it and has 56 rooms. Rental price: 4,000 baht/month, all air conditioned rooms * The rental room price does not allow public posting. You can send it privately. Building 2, next to the road, has 74 rooms. - 1 restaurant in front - 11 shop rooms for rent, all full (total of 74 rooms) - There is a motorcycle park under the building. Rental price: * Room rental price. Public posting is not allowed. You can send it privately. Rental price 5,000 baht 63 rooms Rental price 7,000 baht 11 rooms Building 3 has 70 rooms. Rental price :* Room rental price. Public posting is not allowed. You can send it privately. Rental price 5,500 baht/room, all air conditioned rooms. There is a residential house on the top floor of the building. 2 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms 1 kitchen There are 12 parking spaces under the building. Additional parking fee is 500 baht/month per room. 1 room can park 1 car. T : A7

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Business for sale, accommodation, Pradubyati apartment Pattaya city center Located in Central Pattaya Sukhumvit Pattaya 42 Price 459 million baht Expenses on transfer date 50/50 There are 3 buildings

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