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Contact: Khun Pom Contact number office: Contact number Location: Phetkasem Road, Wang Yen Subdistrict, Mueang Nakhon Pathom District Nakhon Pathom Province 73000 Area: 1 rai 13 square wah Width-Length: Width 34 meters, Depth 48.6 meters approximately Review: Beautiful plot of land, already filled in, in front of which there is a 6 meter wide concrete road. It is a large housing project. Within the project there is a lake. Shady atmosphere and water reaches every plot From Phetkaseth Road, only 2 kilometers in. Suitable for making a home. or make a small agricultural garden Selling very cheap Nearby there is a village. Its a townhouse. Starting price per house is 1.5 million baht Nearby places: Synphaet Hospital Nakhon Pathom, Bangkok Hospital Sanamchan, Thai Watsadu Nakhon Pathom Shop, Child Development Center Wang Yen Subdistrict Administrative Organization www.infin.co.th
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