Condo The Parkland Taksin-Tha Phra, 15th floor, Building A, 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom, area 35 sq m., with parking for 1 car, sold with furniture. You can move in immediately.

plus Created 2024-04-18 12:33
Extended yesterday
plus Create 2024-04-18 12:33
Extended yesterday


Condo The Parkland Taksin-Tha Phra, 15th floor, Building A, 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom, area 35 sq m., with parking for 1 car, sold with furniture. You can move in immediately The condo is comfortable. Located next to Talat Phlu and Phonimit BTS, near the mall lifestore Tha Phra (walking distance). In front of the condo there is a 7-11, a large swimming pool and fitness center. Garden and basketball court Condo with a wide front to receive the breeze. The south side has a view of Rama 3 Bridge. There are no buildings blocking it. Its quiet and suitable for living. There is inside. - 2 air conditioners - exhaust hood - Build in kitchen and wardrobe - with furniture, bed, refrigerator, TV, reclining sofa. shelf

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Condo The Parkland Taksin-Tha Phra, 15th floor, Building A, 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom, area 35 sq m., with parking for 1 car, sold with furniture. You can move in immediately The condo is comfortable. Loc

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